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Distinguished Guest Lecture: Central banking in a dollarised environment: Insights from Zimbabwe

Central banking in a dollarised environment: Insights from Zimbabwe

9 October 2019

Court Room, Senate House, University of London

Speaker: Dr Kupukile Mlambo, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

The conventional experience today is that each sovereign country has a central bank that issues the national currency. But, history has shown that under extraordinary circumstances, some countries have departed from the convention in a number of ways, including the special case where the central bank of a sovereign state (other than the US) adopts the US Dollar as the national currency - so called dollarisation. But how does dollarisation really work? Dr Kupukile Mlambo shares with us his insights about dollarisation in Zimbabwe.

About the speaker

Dr. Kupukile Mlambo was appointed Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) in July 2012 and is in charge of economic research, policy and finance. As Deputy Governor, Dr. Mlambo is also a member of the RBZ Board of Directors, Human Resources and Banking Sector Stability Committees. He joined the RBZ from the African Development Bank where was Regional Director, in charge of country strategy formulation, country portfolio programming and management as well as leading policy dialogue in 7 countries in East Africa. Before that, he worked as a university lecturer in Economics, first at the University of Zimbabwe (1994), and then as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Fort Hare in South Africa (1995-96). An economist by training, Dr. Mlambo’s areas of expertise include macroeconomic and exchange rate policy, economic growth, finance, investment, and bank productivity and efficiency analysis. He has published papers in referred journals and has chapters in edited books. He holds PhD in Economics from Gothenburg University in Sweden, MSc (Econ) and BSc (Econ-Hons) from the University of Zimbabwe.

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