CGF Seminar Series

The CGF Seminar Series provides a platform for speakers to present their work to an audience of fellow academics and students of Finance and Management. These seminars are open to members of SOAS and the wider academic community.

The seminars are supported by four research projects and programme:

  1. AXA Chair in Global Finance research programme supported by the AXA Research Fund;

  2. The ESRC-FCDO Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) Call 3 under research grant ESRC Ref ES/N013344/2;

  3. The ESRC-NSFC research project, ESRC Ref  ES/P005241/1; and

  4. The ESRC-ICSSR research project (GRANT REF: ES/T016213/1)

Seminars are held weekly on Wednesday at 13:00-15:00 at SOAS University of London. The venue of each seminar is stated in the published schedule. For this academic year, 2023/2024, the seminars will be held virtually via MS Teams.

CGF Seminars 2023/2024 Schedule

Date Presenter(s) and Affiliation(s) Title and Authors Venue
04/10/2023 Victor Murinde,
SOAS University of London
How Can Central Banks in Africa Enhance Resilience of their Economies in the Face of Global Shocks?

Victor Murinde, SOAS University of London
Athina Petropoulou, Sussex Business School, University of Sussex
11/10/2023 Joshua Yindenaba Abor,
University of Ghana Business School, University of Ghana, Legon & AFREXIM Bank, Cairo
Climate Finance, International Trade and Inclusive Growth in Africa.

Joshua Yindenaba Abor & Daniel Ofori‐Sasu, University of Ghana Business School, University of Ghana, Legon
18/10/2023 Morakinyo O. Adetutu,
Loughborough University
Oil Booms and Sectoral Bank Credit Shares: A New Axiom of the Natural Resource Curse?

Morakinyo O. Adetutu, School of Business & Economics, Loughborough University
John E. Ebireri, Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University
Victor Murinde, Centre for Global Finance, SOAS University of London
Kayode A. Odusanya, School of Business & Economics, Loughborough University
25/10/2023 Raphael Kasonde,
Bank of Zambia
Does a leverage ratio requirement far-beyond Basel III increase bank risk-taking? Quasi-experimental evidence from Zambia.

Raphael Kasonde, Bank of Zambia
01/11/2023 Anosi Ikimalo,
Optimum Global Capital Management Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria & SOAS University of London
Establishing relationships in interbank lending markets: The role of reputation, governance, and competitive advantage.

Anosi Ikimalo, Optimum Global Capital Management Ltd, Lagos, Nigeria & SOAS University of London
15/11/2023 Ahmed Khan, University of Essex
Phillip Kostov, UCLAN
Special Session (1) of the research project on UK-India Bilateral Trade in FinTech and FinTech-enabled Services: Emerging trends and potential for growth (Grant Ref: ES/T016213/1). FDI and Trade in FinTech and FinTech Related Services: Identifying trends, challenges and prospects of digital transformation of financial markets.

Ahmed Khan, University of Essex
Phillip Kostov, UCLAN
22/11/2023 Nihan Ari & Sheri Markose,
University of Essex
Special Session (2) of the research project on UK-India Bilateral Trade in FinTech and FinTech-enabled Services: Emerging trends and potential for growth (Grant Ref: ES/T016213/1). Regulatory Sandboxes: Evidence and lessons from the UK & India.

Nihan Ari & Sheri Markose, University of Essex
29/11/2023 Varnika Goel & Rashika Sethi,
Special Session (3) of the research project on UK-India Bilateral Trade in FinTech and FinTech-enabled Services: Emerging trends and potential for growth (Grant Ref: ES/T016213/1). Assessing the Impact of Neo-banks (Digital Banks) in India and the UK: What do we know?

Varnika Goel & Rashika Sethi, Twimbit
06/12/2023 Sandra Kendo,
Université Catholique de Lille, France
Market Concentration, Financial Stability and Funding Models in Microfinance: Dynamic GMM One-step Estimation versus GMM Quantile Regression Approaches

Sandra Kendo, Université Catholique de Lille, France.
13/12/2023 Priyadarshi Dash,
Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, India
Special Session (4) of the research project on UK-India Bilateral Trade in FinTech and FinTech-enabled Services: Emerging trends and potential for growth (Grant Ref: ES/T016213/1). Regulatory impediments in FinTech and FinTech-enabled services.

Priyadarshi Dash, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, India
10/01/2024 Chase Foster,
SOAS University of London
Sebastian Kohl,
Freie Universität Berlin
Competition law and varieties of capitalism: a long-run empirical analysis.

Chase Foster, SOAS University of London
Sebastian Kohl, Freie Universität Berlin
17/01/2024 Mehemet Kerem Coban,
SOAS University of London
Dora Piroska,
Central European University, Vienna
Fulya Apaydin,
IBEI, Barcelona
Instrumentalisation of the banking sectors in Hungary and Turkey by Orban and Erdogan regimes.

Mehmet Kerem Coban, SOAS University of London
Dora Piroska, Central European University, Vienna
Fulya Apaydin, IBEI, Barcelona.
24/01/2024 Niels Hermes,
University of Groningen
An American in Paris: How American Directors’ Foreign Board Experience Shapes Corporate Internationalization Strategy

Niels Hermes, University of Groningen
31/01/2024 Jeffrey Ighedosa,
SOAS University of London
How does credit information sharing affect bank diversification strategies and excess value? An investigation into threshold effects

Jeffrey Ighedosa, SOAS University of London
07/02/2024 Alexandre Kopoin,
Principal Research Economist, African Development Bank (AfDB)
Revisiting the Determinants of Sovereign Rating and Spreads in Developing and Emerging Economies

Issouf Soumaré, Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate & Laboratory for Financial Engineering, Laval University
Alexandre Kopoin, Principal Research Economist, African Development Bank (AfDB)

21/02/2024 Christine Oughton,
SOAS University of London
Catalysing and Financing Technology Diffusion for Sustainable Transitions and Economic Convergence.

Christine Oughton, SOAS University of London
28/02/2024 Dalia Ghanem,
University of California, Davis
Desire Kedagni, University of North Carolina
Ismael Mourifie, University of Toronto
Evaluating the Impact of Regulatory Policies on Social Welfare in Difference-in-difference Settings.

Dalia Ghanem, University of California, Davis
Desire Kedagni, University of North Carolina
Ismael Mourifie, University of Toronto
06/03/2024 Eilnaz Kashefi,
University of Birmingham
Climate change risk, investor sentiment, and the performance of new entrant firms

Eilnaz Kashefi, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham
13/03/2024 Alessandra Guariglia & Huanjia Ma,
University of Birmingham
New Game or New Players?

Alessandra Guariglia and Huanjia Ma, University of Birmingham
20/03/2024 Hong Bo,
SOAS University of London
AI Applications by Chinese Firms.

Hong Bo, SOAS University of London
24/04/2024 Jaideep Oberoi,
SOAS University of London
Another Look at Idiosyncratic Risk.

Jaideep Oberoi, SOAS University of London
01/05/2024 Ayse Demir,
Roehampton University (TBC)
Empowering Women in Rural Kenya: Investigating the Transformative Potential of PAYGo Solar Access (TBC).

Ayse Demir, Roehampton University
Samuel Tiriongo, Kenya Bankers Association
Mercy Kano, Strathmore University, Kenya
John Ocheche, Strathmore University, Kenya
Isabella Kiplagat, Ministry of Planning, Kenya
08/05/2024 Xiaoming Ding,
International Business School Suzhou, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Qiong Ji,
School of Intelligent Finance and Business, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang), Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
The Impact of Climate Risk on Simultaneous Investment and Leverage Decisions by Firms: International Evidence.

Xiaoming Ding, International Business School Suzhou, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Qiong Ji, School of Intelligent Finance and Business, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang), Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University
Ping Wei, Associate Dean of the Business School & Director of the Research Center for Green Finance, Central South University, China
Victor Murinde, SOAS University of London
15/05/2024 Abderrahim Taamouti,
Management School, University of Liverpool
Incentive-Based Policies to Regulate Systemic Risk

Abderrahim Taamouti, University of Liverpool
22/05/2024 Miao He,
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
To what extent does financial inclusion affect Chinese MSMEs’ performance?

Miao He, Ye Bai and Fan Liu, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
12/06/2024 Yannis Dafermos,
SOAS University of London
Incorporating Climate into the Eurosystem Collateral Framework.

Yannis Dafermos, SOAS University of London.

The seminar schedule may be subject to change. Please follow our weekly seminar announcement for updated information. Alternatively, you can join the CGF mailing list to receive timely seminar updates.