Research Thought Leaders

CGF is endorsed by leading scholars at SOAS and globally


Professor Emilia Onyema

Professor in International Commercial Law, SOAS

Emilia Onyema, is a Professor of International Commercial Law at SOAS University of London. She holds a PhD in international commercial arbitration from Queen Mary University of London. She is qualified to practice law in Nigeria and as a Solicitor in England & Wales; and she is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. She accepts appointment as an independent arbitrator as well as an expert witness. She has long standing experience as presiding, co and sole arbitrator in international commercial arbitration cases. Her research and teaching focus on international commercial arbitration, international investment law, law and development,  with regional focus on Africa.

Dr Alberto Asquer

Head of School of Finance and Management, SOAS
Senior Lecturer of Public Policy and Management, SOAS

Alberto Asquer is Senior Lecturer of Public Policy and Management at SOAS University of London. Dr Asquer received his degree in Economics and Commerce at the University in Cagliari (Italy), and a Research Doctorate on economics and management of public sector organisations at the University of Salerno (Italy). He received his MSc Management and PhD degrees from the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK). He holds a qualification as chartered accountant and auditor (Italy). Dr Asquer’s research covers topics in public sector management, including public policy making, policy implementation, regulation and regulatory policy, organisational change, public-private partnerships. and public financial management. He has published in internationally recognised academic journals, including Public Management Review, Governance, Regulation &Governance, International Public Management Journal, Water Policy, Utilities Policy, and Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. He published books Public Sector Management (with Norman Flynn, SAGE, 2017) Public Sector Revenue (Routledge, 2017), and Regulation of Infrastructure and Utilities (Palgrave, 2018). Dr Asquer is actively engaged with the general public by delivering executive training for civil servants in international organisations, central government departments, and companies, and teaching for other universities both in the UK and overseas.

Professor Reinhard Bachmann

Professor of International Management, SOAS

Reinhard Bachmann is Professor of International Management; and the Founder and Director of the Centre for Trust Research. Reinhard Bachmann is co-investigator on the ESRC-FCDO Project (ES/N013344/2): Delivering Inclusive Financial Development and Growth. His research focuses on issues of Strategic Management, Organisational Analysis and Comparative Management. Specifically, the role of social mechanisms (trust, power etc.) and societal influences (institutional arrangements, cultural traditions) on the structure and strategic organisation of business relationships are emphasised in his work.

Professor Pasquale Scaramozzino

Professor of Economics, SOAS

Pasquale Scaramozzino is Professor of Economics in the School of Finance and Management at SOAS University of London. He has taught at the University of Bristol, University College London and Università di Roma Tor Vergata. He received a Laurea in Scienze Statistiche ed Economiche from Università di Roma La Sapienza, and an MSc in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics and a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics. He has published in a number of academic journals including Economica, Economic Journal, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Population Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford Review of Economic Policy and World Economy. His current research interests include financial economics, comparative economics and applied econometrics.

Professor Ciaran Driver

Professor of Financial Economics, SOAS

Ciaran Driver pursues research on capital investment, innovation, corporate governance, and economic policy. Current projects include a study of UK dividend behaviour; South African business survey forecasts; UK capital investment constraints; and stakeholding theory. He co-authored with Paul Temple The Unbalanced Economy, Palgrave-Macmillan (2014) and co-edited  with Grahame Thompson Corporate Governance in Contention , Oxford University Press 2018. Recent articles include the topics: Research & Development (Research Policy 2012); economics of advertising (Journal of Economic Surveys 2017); executive pay (Industrial and Corporate Change 2017). He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and a Trustee of the New Economics Foundation.

He has held visiting posts at the Australian National University and Stellenbosch University, has been attached to several global business schools, and has advised UK and international public bodies on capital investment policies.

Professor Laixiang Sun

Professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland

Laixiang Sun is a Professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences, UMD, University of Maryland. He was Head of School of Finance and Management at SOAS University of London between 2004-2005, and 2008-2012. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK). He received his PhD in Economics from Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, The Netherlands, and a holder of Fellowship of Dutch Government. He has produced more than 140 research publications in regional sciences and regional economics, environmental sciences and management, business and management studies, integrated modelling, and ecological economics. He has been a principal investigator or leading scientist in a number of research projects sponsored by the EU; British Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society, ESRC, and Foreign & Commonwealth Office in the UK; Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Sciences Foundation, and Ministry of Education in China. He has taught more than 20 different courses in universities in China, the Netherlands, Finland, the UK, and the USA spanning from systems analysis, economics, econometrics, calculus to corporate governance and international business studies.


Professor Ulrich Volz

Professor in Economics, SOAS

Ulrich Volz is a Professor in Economics at SOAS University of London and Founding Director of the SOAS Centre for Sustainable Finance. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the German Development Institute, a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Honorary Professor of Economics at the University of Leipzig. At SOAS, he previously served as Head of the Department of Economics and Member of the University’s Executive Board. Ulrich is Chairman of the Japan Economy Network and Co-editor-in-chief of the Asia Europe Journal. Ulrich is a director of the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment and serves on the advisory panel of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) and the advisory board of the International Sustainable Finance Centre. He is a co-chair of the Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive Recovery initiative and serves on the advisory committee for the Climate/SDGs Debt Swap Mechanism of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. He is a member of the CEPR Sustainable Finance Research and Policy Network, the NGFS-INSPIRE Study Group on Biodiversity and Financial Stability, and the World Bank’s Green Recovery Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Working Group. Ulrich was Banque de France Chair at EHESS in Paris, and also taught at Peking University, Kobe University, Hertie School of Governance, Freie Universität Berlin, Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, and the Institute of Developing Economies in Tokyo. He spent stints working at the European Central Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and held visiting positions at the University of Oxford, University of Birmingham, ECB, Bank Indonesia, and Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. Ulrich was part of the UN Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System and has acted as an advisor to several governments, central banks, international organisations and development agencies on matters of macroeconomic policy, sustainable finance and development.

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Professor Machiko Nissanke

Emeritus Professor of Economics, SOAS

Machiko Nissanke is Emeritus Professor of Economics at SOAS, University of London, where she taught graduate courses in financial and international economics for 1993-2015. She previously worked at University of Oxford, University College London and Birkbeck College. In Oxford, she was Research Fellow of Nuffield College and Senior Associate Member of St Antony’s College. She was also Research Fellow at Overseas Development Institute in early 1990s. She published extensively on finance and development; international trade and finance; globalisation and impacts on inequality and poverty; debt dynamics and macroeconomic management; institutional economics; comparative studies of Asia and Africa. Her articles appeared in numerous international academic journals, books, conference volumes. She published 14 book, including:  The Impact of Globalization on the World’s Poor: Transmission Mechanisms, ed. with E. Thorbecke, Palgrave, 2006; Commodities, Governance and Economic Development Under Globalization, ed. with G. Mavrotas, Palgrave, 2010; The Poor under Globalization in Asia, Latin America and Africa ed. with E. Thorbecke, OUP, 2010; Aid as Handmaiden for the Development of Institutions, ed. with Y. Shimomura, Palgrave, 2013; Poverty Reduction in the Course of African Development, eds with M. Ndoro, OUP 2017; and The Palgrave Handbook of Development Economics: Critical Reflections on Globalization and Development, edited with Jose Antonio Ocampo, 2019. She has served as consultant/advisor to various international organisations, government agencies and research networks, and directed several major global research programmes.

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Professor Fareda Banda

Professor of Law, SOAS

Fareda Banda’s research interests include women’s rights, family law, and, more recently, religion. She has extensive experience in teaching English Family law, Human rights of women and Law and Society. She has also contributed to various courses including Alternative Dispute Resolution, Law and Development, Law and Development in Africa and Legal Systems of Asia and Africa.  

Fareda sits on nine academic journal boards. She has been commissioned to produce reports on various topics for agencies including the United Nations, GTZ, the Ministry of Justice (formerly Lord Chancellor’s Department) and Minority Rights Group. Fareda has advised the government of Namibia on law reform and drafted a Law Reform Plan. She has been an election observer for the Carter Centre. She believes strongly in the importance of working with civil society organizations and has been a trustee of Womankind Worldwide and FORWARD. She is currently on Human Rights Watch policy committee as well as the advisory committee of Human Rights Watch Africa. She is also on the advisory council of Women’s Link Worldwide. Fareda has participated in many expert group meetings on topics including children’s rights, women’s rights, development, water and family law. She has peer reviewed and contributed to the output of several organisations including Centre for Reproductive Rights, Equality Now, the World Bank, The African Commission, FORWARD, NORAD, Danish Institute for Human Rights, WLSA and Women's Link Worldwide. Fareda has also assisted Amnesty International, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, Interights, Forum for Marriage, local authorities. She has  provided expert opinions for use in courts.

Fareda Banda holds two law degrees from the University of Zimbabwe where she won the University book prize for graduating in the top three. She was awarded a Beit Fellowship to Oxford University and a Livingstone Scholarship to Cambridge. She took the Beit and went to Oxford where she was elected President of the graduates of her College and completed her doctorate on access to justice for women within three years.  Thereafter, she worked for the Law Commission of England and Wales before being awarded a Leverhulme Special Research Fellowship which enabled her to return to Oxford as a post-doctoral research fellow.

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Dr Orly Levy

Reader in International Management, SOAS

Orly Levy is a Reader in International Management.  She received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She conducts research on multinational corporations and transnational networks, focusing on global mindset and cosmopolitan dispositiontransnational social capital and cultural capitalpower and politics in multinational corporations, and transcultural brokerage.  Her research has been published in leading journals, including Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Sloan Management Review. It was also featured in the international press, including in ForbesForbes India, Forbes China, and Financial Post.

In 2017, Orly became an appointed member of Innovation Caucus to provide thought leadership to Innovate UK and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) on bridging between people and ideas across cultural and national boundaries. She has been a co-Principal Investigator on a major National Science Foundation (NSF) research grant focusing on organizational culture and HRM practices in multinational corporations headquartered in Australia, Japan, the United States.

For her work, she has received multiple awards, including winner of the Emerald Award for Excellence, finalist for the Academy of Management Newman Best Dissertation Award, winner of the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division Best Dissertation Award, nominee for the Academy of Management Dexter Award for Best International Paper, and winner of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Best Paper Award. Her publication on global mindset (Journal of International Business Studies, 2007) is among the Top 10 Most Cited Articles on Global Leadership.

Orly has extensive international experience and she has worked and conducted research in diverse  cultural settings, including Australia, China, India, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK and the United States. 

Dr Tolulola Lawal

Lecturer in Accounting, SOAS

Tolulola Lawal is a Lecturer in Accounting at the School of Finance and Management, SOAS University of London. He holds a MSc in  Accounting & Finance from University of Birmingham and a PhD in Management Research (Accounting) from Imperial College. He also holds qualifications of ACA and ACIB. His research interests include determinants and capital market implications of accounting information, corporate finance, and corporate governance. 

Dr Huan Zou

Reader in International Management, SOAS

Huan Zou completed her PhD in International Business at Manchester Business School in the UK. She was formerly a lecturer in Strategic Management in Loughborough University and taught various undergraduate and post-graduate modules in strategy and international management. She joined SOAS in 2010 as a senior lecturer in International Management. Her research focuses on international entrepreneurship, sustainable entrepreneurship, economic development and international business under climate change, internationalization of emerging economy firms, creative industry and firm growth.

Huan is one of the 33 outstanding academics who has been awarded the British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship in 2018-2019, the only one in the field of Management and Business Studies. She is co-investigator on 6 external research grants awarded by EPSRC, Newton Fund, Royal Academy of Engineering and Foreign & Commonwealth Office UK, working closely with business consultants, scientists and policy-makers in the UK and China.  

Huan has published in high-ranking international business and entrepreneurship journals such as the Journal of World Business, Management International Review, International Journal of Small Business and International Marketing Review. She serves the editorial board of International Business Review, the official journal of EIBA. 

Dr Richard Alexander

Senior Lecturer in Financial Law, SOAS

Richard Alexander practised at the English Bar before moving into academia.  His core areas of expertise are the law relating to the financial sector, business law and the measures taken to combat economic and financial crime.  His research interests currently focus on the means by which measures relating to the removal of the proceeds of crime can be more effectively used to achieve social justice.  Much of his work looks at international standards, although his geographical areas of interest include the United Kingdom, European Union, United States, East and South-East Asia and South Africa.

As well as academic teaching and research, Richard is also active in professional training and has to date been involved in programmes in jurisdictions including South Africa, Nigeria, Sudan, China and Italy.  He is a regular speaker at the annual Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime and has been a Visiting Scholar at the Levinson College of Law, University of Florida, Expert for the Inter-Governmental Action Group Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in West Africa (GIABA) and a Visiting Lecturer at the Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing.

In addition to his position as Lecturer in Financial Law, Richard is currently Director, External Engagement in the School of Finance and Management and Chair of the PhD Collegium, Cyprus Corporate Law and Finance Retreat for Educators and Professionals.

Dr Morakinyo Adetutu

Lecturer in Economics, Loughborough University

Morakinyo Adetutu holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Economics from the University of Ibadan Nigeria, and an MSc from the University of Surrey. He completed his PhD at Loughborough University in 2015. Morakinyo joined the School of Business and Economics in July 2020. Previously he worked as a lecturer in economics at Nottingham Trent University and as a senior teaching fellow at the University of Warwick.  Before his career in the academia, Morakinyo was employed in various economic and strategy roles across Banking, Telecoms and Consulting sectors.

Morakinyo is currently investigating natural resource endowment and environmental pollution issues, and how they shape financial markets and health outcomes.

Professor Christine Oughton

Professor of Management Economics, SOAS

Christine Oughton is Professor of Management Economics and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. She received her PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge. Before joining SOAS she was Professor of Economics and Management at the University of Bolzano and Professor of Management at Birkbeck. Her research focuses on innovation, environmental management & economics, corporate governance, financial inclusion and growth. She was co-investigator on the ESRC Research Seminar Series, Complexity Economics for Sustainability that brought together, academics, practitioners and policy makers on environmental issues, and is co-investigator on a £2m ESRC-FCDO project - Financial Inclusion and Growth, focusing on innovation in low-income countries. Christine has published widely on innovation, environmental management & economics, governance and growth. In 2017 she was Research Fellow of the South African Reserve Bank. Between 2012-16 she was Head of the School of Finance and Management and served on the SOAS Board of Trustees.

Professor Kemi Yekini

Professor of Accounting, Aston Business School

Kemi began her professional journey with KPMG Nigeria, earning her qualification as a Chartered Accountant from the ‘Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria’ in 1992. Subsequently, she transitioned to Deloitte Nigeria before venturing into the private sector, where she assumed various senior management positions. She transitioned to academia in 2007 by joining the Leicester Business School, De Montfort University, UK, followed by a position at Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham, where she served as an Associate Professor. In 2019, she joined SOAS University of London as the institution's first Professor of Accounting in its century-long history. Currently, she holds the position of Professor of Accounting at Aston University, contributing to the advancement of research activities in the accounting department.

Kemi's research interests have been significantly influenced by her extensive industry experience in the field of accounting. Primarily, her interests revolve around sustainability accounting and transparency in corporate disclosure practices. Over the years, she adopted a comprehensive approach to examining Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability reporting, aiming to evaluate the accountability of large multinational corporations to these critical issues.

She interprets CSR as encompassing an organisation's social and environmental interactions within its corporate and extended environment, discernible through high-quality disclosures. To advance CSR communication research, she introduced a linguistic-based methodology, contributing to the progression of this field. Additionally, she has been engaged in knowledge exchange partnerships within the industry, collaborating, for instance, with Radley Yeldar, a sustainability reporting consultant. In a recent project, she closely collaborated to assess the written language of sustainability reports for their clients. Her research findings from these endeavours have been published in esteemed international journals, furthering the discourse on sustainability and corporate accountability.

Kemi has been actively involved in editorial positions, including serving as an editorial board member for various esteemed international academic journals. Her editorial contributions extend to positions such as

  • Editor-in-chief for ICTACT Journal on Management Studies, 

  • Editorial board member of; Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management, International Journal of Contemporary Accounting issues;

  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the African Accounting and Finance Association (AAFA).

  • Associate Editor African Accounting and Finance Association (AAFA) 

  • Associate Editor International Journal of Contemporary Accounting issues

Currently, she engages in reviewing high-impact academic journals, including Critical Perspectives in Accounting, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Management Inquiry, Accounting Forum and Accounting, Auditing, and Accountability Journal.

Dr Jaideep Oberoi

Senior Lecturer in Finance, SOAS

Jaideep Oberoi is a Senior Lecturer in Finance at the School of Finance & Management, SOAS University of London. He received a PhD in Finance from the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University, a Masters in Economics from Concordia University, and a BA (Honours) in Economics from the University of Delhi. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK.

Jaideep's research interests are in the field of risk management. His publications cover topics in corporate (interest rate) risk management, market microstructure risk estimation, and modelling of long-term risks in pension assets. His research also covers other sources of risk (such as demographic change, weather and governance), as well as asset return modelling in general. Jaideep has received several grants for his research, from organisations such as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Global Risk Institute (National Pension Hub), the Society of Actuaries, and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. He has also produced publicly available reports aimed at practitioners for organisations such as the Society of Actuaries, the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, and the National Pension Hub in Toronto, through their research funding programmes.

His working paper (with co-authors from Kent and Waterloo) on demography and asset prices received a Research Award from the International Centre for Pensions Management (part of Global Risk Institute) and a Best Paper Award at the International Congress of Actuaries (Berlin). His work (with Doug Andrews) for a product innovation in home equity release (reverse mortgages) was selected for a Hot Topics product proposal event at the Staple Inn Actuarial Society.